My Love Affair with Red
The Color Breakdown
First up, I am a full on Pravana fangirl! That is the only brand of color Chelsea uses on my hair. On the top half of my hair, from scalp to mid-shaft, she uses Pravana ChromaSilk 6.66 and a 20 volume developer. Then from mid-shaft to ends she uses Pravana ChromaSilk Vivids in Red. She does this process every time I am in the salon, which is EVERY 6 weeks. Then about twice a year we do a double process, where she will bleach the bottom half then do the regular process on top of that.
Maintaining Red Hair
Red is the HARDEST color hair to maintain!
Next to, “what color is your hair?” the top question I get is, “how do you maintain your red?” Red is the HARDEST color hair to maintain, just like any fantasy color, the vivid is a semi-permanent. It fades, fast. I have yet to find any certain shampoo or conditioner that makes a huge difference in this. L’Oreal has a line of products called EverPure that includes a color safe shampoo and conditioner that shows a little less wash out, in my opinion, but like I said, it is going to fade. The ONLY thing that I have found to keep my color bright and fresh between salon visits is going as long as I possibly can between washings. Dry shampoo and texture sprays will be a life savers!! Right after a fresh color, I do not wash it for at least 72-96 hours. That is a must. Let the color set it. When I do wash it, I use cool water. Just be prepared, you will see wash out every time you wash your hair. That is just how it is if you want to have fabulous red hair!
Things to Consider Before You go Red
Do you like the color pink? If not, I would question if you want to go red. Everything will get stained pink, your tub/shower, your pillows, collars, bathroom counters where any stray hair sits for a period of time. My life is stained pink. I use black towels and black pillow cases, but my pillows themselves are even a lovely tint of pink.
Do you swim often? Summer months are pretty dang hot in Alabama! Want to jump in to a nice big pool to cool off? Hold up, better head over to the stairs and ease in. I never let chlorinated water touch my hair. Also, my friend once got me a gift card to a float spa for Christmas. It is one of those giant tanks that you get in to relax, well I had to take a hard pass because they are full of salt water and I would have turned that whole tank pink.
Do you want the commitment of going to the salon ALL the time? As I mentioned, I go every 6 weeks. This is non-negotiable. By then I am pushing it on my color and try to coordinate visits by upcoming events so that I have fresh color for anything important.
Now, I hope I didn’t scare you too bad because red hair is freaking awesome! I will go to my grave with some freshly done red locks ladies! I just want to you be prepared because being a vivid red is not for the faint of heart. It is a serious commitment. Don’t go get it done, then call your stylist complaining about how quick it faded. I warned ya! Drop any other red hair questions that you have in the comments, I will do a YouTube video answering all your red hair worries!!
My Fav Hair Products and Must Haves for Red Hair
Texture Spray- Marc Anthony Grow Long Volumizing Texture Spray
Dry Shampoo- Amika Perk Up Dry Shampoo
Mr. Clean Magic Erasers *Life savers for getting the red stains off counters and tubs
Thanks so much for reading and all the support!
Megan (Curves, Curls and Clothes)