Hello my loves! I tried to find the exact item, but some were sold out or no longer available. If it says alternative, then I subbed in an similar item that could work to remake the look.

Blazer | Shirt (Alternative, Original Sold Out)| Pants 3X | Shoes (alternative)

Blazer US 20 | Shirt XXL | Pants 3X | Shoes

Cardigan XXL | Dress XXL | Boots

Blazer US 20 | Shirt 2X | Pants (alternative) | Shoes

Jacket XXL | Shirt 3X | Skirt/Skirt (alternatives)| Shoes

Jacket US 20 | Shirt 2X | Skirt XXL | Shoes

Blazer (alternative) | Shirt XXL | Pants XXL | Shoes

Jacket XXL | Shirt (alternative) | Skirt (alternative) | Shoes